A company has been infected by ransomware,
and they need your help to try to unlock their computers.
The hackers have left behind a series of puzzles
that may help us find the password, but we
need your help to solve them.
Decode the following message:
After having been ROTated 17 times...
Decode the following message:
You might have to call inspector MORSE on this one...
What are these 3 numbers in Decimal Value?
What RGB colour do these 3 numbers make?
What do all these symbols mean?
Maybe a PIG wrote this down with a PEN.
TIP: You may need one of these
Decode this message:
TIP: You may need one of these
The Key is the answer you entered in the first question.
Decode this message:
What could these 1's and 0's mean?
Numbers? Shouldn't these be letters?
So, what word have we finally arrived at?
Congratulations! You managed to solve
all the puzzles! Which means you saved
the company from having to pay ransom!
Great job! Maybe there is a career for you in Cyber?